
Let Boudoir Photography Change The Way You See Yourself

Choosing portraiture photography is a powerful step toward self-discovery, self-expression, and increased self-confidence. Professional portrait photography is an artistic and insightful medium that helps to capture your unique persona and beauty. This art form allows you to create a visual narrative of your life, express your personality, and capture memorable moments in a particular era that means a lot to you. In this blog post courtesy of Brooklyn Boudoir, we'll explore how professional boudoir portrait photography can boost your self-confidence and change your outlook.

Change the Way You See Yourself

A professional portrait session with an experienced photographer can help you see yourself in a new light. The photographer will create an environment where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and confident. They'll guide you through the process of posing and help you to find your best angles. A portrait session is an opportunity for you to explore your personality and showcase your unique beauty. By capturing the essence of who you are, you will be able to see yourself in a way that you may never have before.

Capture An Era

Portrait photography captures unique moments in a person's life. These moments can range from a special celebration to a personal achievement; sometimes, they simply mark a major life change that becomes a turning point. A professional portrait photographer will capture these moments in a way that reflects your individuality and personality. They'll create an image that tells the story you want to tell.

Banish Insecurities

Many people struggle with insecurities about their appearance or personality. A professional portrait session can help you overcome these feelings so you can create an image that is both beautiful and empowering. Whether you've recently had a child or are working on the process of self-love, the act of having your portrait taken can help you refocus your energy into a more positive form.

Unleash Your Creativity

Portrait photography is a powerful medium for personal exploration and creativity. It provides an opportunity for you to express yourself, showcase your unique personality, and experiment with different styles and themes. A professional portrait photographer will work with you to create images that reflect your personality, interests, and passions. This session provides a creative outlet for personal exploration, which can be both enjoyable and empowering.

Photo via Adobe Stock

Take Your Images Even Further With Adobe Express

Once you have your professional portrait photos, there are a variety of ways to enjoy them and showcase your unique personality. Adobe Express is a powerful photo editing app that allows you to create beautiful projects with your favorite images. You can use these tools to create photo cards and other keepsakes using your high-quality images; here are some examples.

  • Create a beautiful anniversary card for your loved one using your favorite photo. This is a great way to incorporate your photo session into your special day. Just choose the template you like best and include the photo of your choosing.

  • Make a sweet Valentine’s Day card for your significant other using your favorite shot from the session. Not only is this a great memento, it’s easy to do. Just upload the image and use the tool to add fun or romantic text.

  • Create a beautiful photo calendar that uses a different boudoir photo for each day of the month. This makes a great gift for a special someone. Adobe’s templates make the process easy; the hardest part is deciding which photos to use!

  • You don’t need design skills to create a gorgeous desktop wallpaper. Adobe makes it super easy, and you can have a beautiful reminder of your photo shoot completed in minutes. Choose your colors and customize the wallpaper with different fonts or icons.

Professional portrait photography is a powerful medium for self-expression and personal growth. It provides an opportunity for you to explore your personality, showcase your unique beauty, and capture memorable moments in your life. By choosing a professional boudoir portrait session, you can boost your self-confidence, see yourself in a new light, overcome insecurities, explore your creativity, and enjoy your photos for years to come.

Ready to see yourself in a new light? Get in touch with the pros at Brooklyn Boudoir today to set up a session.

Celebrating Yourself | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


You’ll always hear me say: do it for YOU. And I mean it. It’s so difficult to do something for yourself, isn’t it?

Ms. Y here is one of those women who “has it all.” She’s stunningly beautiful, a doctor, and came in from Coppenhagen for a solo trip to NYC. But of course, every woman has more to her story than that. If Sex and the City has taught us anything it’s that “having it all” is a myth. Really you just have to redefine what having it all means. Thank you, Sarah Jessica Parker! ;)

Ms. Y had recently broken up from a long term relationship, which can rightfully throw some salt into anyone’s self-confidence. Someone who clearly gives so much of herself to others, even in her work, it was uber important that she do something just for her. It began with her solo trip to NYC - I for one LOVE solo travel and am so behind this as a way of self-care. And our shoot, well, that was just the icing on the cake. The crazy thing to me is that Ms. Y did not consider herself sexy or capable of a boudoir shoot! You see her and you can’t believe this to be true. Which just goes to show how difficult it is for most women to see themselves clearly. I of course, could see what a stunning person she was - inside and out - and was so happy to deliver such beautiful photos to her and to show how stunning she really is. Her reveal (over skype was amazing. I wish I could share her delight and how incredulous she was at seeing her images. It was so sweet and was one of those moments that makes me so grateful to be doing what I do. It’s my mission to help women see the beauty and worth in themselves. To show them something they maybe coudn’’t see on their own. It makes my heart sing to see women smile, their eyes twinkle and to have the self-confidence to say, yeah, that’s me, and I look GOOD. It’s not bragging if it’s the truth ;)

In her own words:

It was an amazing experience, Stephanie! You are truly talented and made you this whole process so effortless and positive! You were so encouraging and comfortable to be around. I didn't feel any pressure at any time.  I can't thank you enough, and the photos are absolutely perfect! Exactly what I was hoping for and more. The photos turned out absolutely beautiful! It's one of the best gifts I have ever given to myself.

You deserve this experience, whether or not you are in a relationship. Whether or not you are the fittest you’ve ever been in your life, whether or not you are over 30. You deserve to celebrate yourself, JUST because you are you.

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to celebrate yourself just because? Contact me and let’s chat!

How to Make the Most of Your Boudoir Shoot | Boudoir Photography Tips | New York City

Trust me, I’ve got you.

Trust me, I’ve got you.

I have been a boudoir photographer for nearly five years now, have had several boudoir shoots of my own, in addition to all the self-portraits I’ve taken, so I know a thing or two about how you can make the most out of your own boudoir shoot. You may be thinking, “but Stephanie, can’t I just show up and have you tell me what to do?” Of course - and you can trust that you will be in the best of hands, with all the details being worked out for you. BUT with a little bit of preparation on your end, your shoot can be even more personalized which to me, equals a better experience, better photographs and more fun all around. Once you book your boudoir session I will send you a very comprehensive prep guide with tons of details about wardrobe, self-care, and inspiration. But for those of you who aren’t clients yet, here are a few tips on how you can best prepare for your shoot.

Plan ahead

I tend to over communicate with my clients because the last thing I want is for them to walk into our shoot feeling unsure about anything. Yes, I will be coaching you the entire time, but to help get to know you and your style better before the shoot I give you a homework assignment so you don’t feel like you are “winging it” on the day. (Didn’t think you’d still have homework as an adult, did you?) ;) One thing that I find particularly helpful is to create an inspiration board with images you love. Pinterest works great for something like this (and you can make a private board so no one needs to see it but you). This helps you hone in on your style visually, even if you don’t have the words to describe what you like verbally. Keep in mind that as you’re creating Pinterest boards, you aren’t trying to completely re-create a specific shot that you see. The point isn’t to bring in an image for us to replicate but instead to help you narrow your focus into a distinct vibes as the inspiration for your own shoot and styling. Here are a few of the images that I grabbed off Pinterest as inspiration for future shoots.

Brooklyn Boudoir Inspiration Board

Consider variety

One of the best ways to ensure a great shoot is to consider variety when planning your boudoir looks. Three matching bra & panty sets will not produce as dynamic a set of images as three totally different wardrobe ideas. There are lots of choices for wardrobe, and you can feel free to think outside the box. Maybe you’ll want to shoot in a cozy cardigan, then a bodysuit, then just the sheets. Or maybe your three looks would be a bra and panty set, a garter set and a badass blazer. Jeans, a bathing suit, a leather jacket, even a gown can look amazing. We can talk through the options together in your pre-shoot consultations. The point is, you can feel free to step a little outside your comfort zone, try something new and capture yourself in different looks & moods.

You can rock a swimsuit as an alternative boudoir look

You can rock a swimsuit as an alternative boudoir look

Trust your photographer

It is my passion to make women look amazing and beyond that, FEEL amazing. And it’s my superpower to make women feel comfortable, open and confident in their own skin. So ladies, TRUST ME. I’ve got you and your best interests at heart. And remember — it’s not YOUR job to know what to do, it’s mine. Once you arrive at your shoot, you’ll be pampered in the hair and makeup chair. This is your chance to RELAX and let go. Let go of those in insecurities, let go your negative thoughts, let go of control. I know that for a lot of my clients, this step can be very difficult – because, let’s face it, most of us have a little insecurity about one thing or another. But as soon as you let yourself think about those insecurities during your shoot, you give them power over you. Take back that power and tell yourself to let them go! You’ll have plenty of images to choose from, and I promise that you will love most of them. If there are one or two shots that you don’t love, that’s ok and no one ever has to see them ever again! So during the shoot, allow yourself the freedom to let go and embrace the entire experience. I promise it will be worth it.

I will coach you the entire time.

I will coach you the entire time.

Get an album. 

I can’t emphasize this enough. You might think that you only want digitals but believe me, those digital images will go to waste. They will sit on your computer and barely get looked at. It’s a totally different story seeing your images in print - so much more powerful and ever lasting. These photos are ART. YOU are art. 20 years from now you will want to look back and remember that day you kicked your insecurities to the curb and felt like your best self. Many women purchase their album as wedding or anniversary gifts (which their partners of course LOVE). But more than just a gift for him, your album is a keepsake for YOU. So feel proud, display those photos, hang them on the wall, and look at your album often. Trust me, you’ll be happy that you did.

Print your photos!

Print your photos!

Enjoy the experience. 

Sure, it can be nerve wracking, but I assure you the anticipation of your shoot will be more stressful than the reality of it. So try to relax and enjoy the experience! Channel that nervous energy into excitement, and do your best to soak in the whole experience. Listen to the music playing, look around at the studio’s environment, have a glass of champagne, chat with the HMU artist, and enjoy getting pampered!  Let yourself have fun and you will see, the most difficult part of the entire experience is making the first phone call.

Relax and have FUN!

Relax and have FUN!

Carry that confidence. 

Every so often pull out that album and remember how much fun it was to get glammed-up, feel pampered, and rock your photo shoot. At this very moment while I’m writing this blog post, I am in my PJs… my toddler is alternately sitting on my lap and playing with her toys on the floor at my feet, and I am 8+ months pregnant with baby #2. I’m definitely not feeling my most glamorous right now. BUT, I have one of my old boudoir albums sitting on the table next to my computer and I just glanced through it again. And it feels great. I remember not being sure of myself that day — I was just a few months post-partum, not sleeping through the night and not feeling like i was looking my best. But the photos tell a different story. Which just goes to show that we are always our own worst critics and that sometimes you need to see yourself through someone else’s eyes to believe that. You ARE beautiful. You ARE strong. You ARE a boss, and wife and mom and all the things that make you YOU. It’s not just about putting on false eyelashes and lingerie. It’s more than some sexy poses and pretty photos. What I walked away with, and what I want all of my clients to walk away with is a sense of satisfaction, pride and confidence in myself. 

It’s all about confidence

It’s all about confidence

So, my lovelies, as leave your boudoir shoot, I hope that you leave behind your insecurities and feelings of not being ‘enough.’ I hope that you walk away and take with you a renewed sense of confidence in knowing you are beautiful, you are gorgeous, you are enough. You are uniquely YOU, so carry that with you in your everyday life.

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to book your OWN Brooklyn Boudoir experience? Contact me and let’s chat!

The Best Gift to Give Yourself | Bridal Boudoir Session | New York City Photographer


There’s one phrase you will hear me say all the time, in life, on social media and in this blog: do it for you. While a boudoir shoot makes a great gift for a loved one, it ultimately is really the best gift you can give yourself. Still, I think it’s tough for many women to come to terms with that idea, and feel they need a reason to have a boudoir shoot. Personally, I think just being a woman and loving yourself is reason enough for a shoot, but I am biased ;) It’s hard for us to justify spending money on ourselves. It’s hard to play hooky from life for a few hours and indulge in some self-care. We’re busy after all, and if you’re like me, you are always putting the needs of your loved ones in front of your own.

So it makes sense that most women look for a reason to come to be for their boudoir session. If you do want a reason for a boudoir shoot, there are several popular ones: a milestone birthday, a physical goal that’s been met, a new pregnancy, and of course, a unique and special grooms gift to gift your finance before you get married.

Ms. J came to me for this reason… at first. She was getting married in a few months and was looking for a special gift for her future groom. She has a sparkling personality and was so game to have fun and try new things. We had an incredible suite in Willimasburg that overlooked the New York City Skyline and just had the most fun afternoon taking advantage of it (hello that TUB!) We even incorporated one her fiancee’s shirts into our shoot which had been a private joke between them over the years. It was all very personal, and made for a modern twist on your traditional bridal boudoir (no veil required!)

He of course, loved the album. But the best part of meeting Ms. J was watching her come out of her shell as she discovered (as most everyone does over the course of their photoshoot) that it’s really all about YOU. Gift giving truly is, the icing on the cake.

In her own words, Ms. J said:

I went into this experience thinking this was a gift for my future husband and it ended up being the best gift I could have given myself. This was so much more than a photography session, but a way of making any woman feel so much sexier in her own skin. I was worried and self conscious about being so exposed, but Stephanie made me feel so comfortable and so empowered and it showed through the photos. Stephanie is extraordinary at what she does and has a true talent for capturing the natural beauty of a woman. I would do this 100 times over to feel as good as I did walking out of our shoot and can't wait to do it again! Thank you for giving me what I deem one of the best experiences of my 20s!

It just makes my heart sing when I hear a woman say these things. Because my relationship, ultimately, is with the woman in front of my lens. Of course, I want her future husband/wife/partner to enjoy the photos, but what I really want is for the woman I’m photographing to LOVE her images and feel absolutely amazing about them. I want her to feel like she can take on the world after her shoot, feel powerful & sexy gifting her images, and look back on her album or wall art every time she needs to be reminded how badass and beautiful she is. There is no gift better than that.

So yes, gift your boudoir images… just don’t forget YOURSELF when you are writing out your gift-list. Because loving yourself is the best gift you give yourself.

xoxo, Stephanie

Want to gift yourself something fabulous? Contact me and let’s chat!

A Busy New York Woman's First Anniversary Gift | Client Testimonial | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


I often get asked if the women on the Brooklyn Boudoir instagram and blog are “real” women. Um, we are ALL “real” women, aren’t we?? But I know what they mean: the women LOOK like models, but in fact are lawyers, entrapeneaurs, business women, other photographers, moms, and in the case of Ms. D., surgeons.

Ms. D. was about to celebrate her one-year wedding anniversary and was looking for the perfect gift. The traditional gift for a 1-year anniversary is paper, so a boudoir album is an amazing and personal option. But, given her crazy on-call schedule, it was really difficult for us to find a time that worked for both of us AND would turn around her album in time for her anniversary.

So, as we women do, we made it work and Ms. D. came to me after she was on call overnight. That’s right - she had spent the night at the hospital, performing heart surgery of all things (!!) and came to me in her scrubs on about 2 hours of sleep directly afterwards. Not ideal when you want to feel sexy. Or… is it?

Before you even see a single photo, it's the EXPERIENCE that you need and deserve as a woman. The more women I meet, the more I believe that however we spend our days, we are ALL professional jugglers. Whether you are a stay-at-home-mom, a work-from home-mom, a work-out-of-the-home-mom, or a busy working woman, we are women and New Yorkers, so I can guarantee that you are juggling TONS.

It's also a safe bet that often times, of all the things you juggle, taking care to make sure that YOU are taken care of isn't one of those priorities. There just simply isn't that much time, I get it. 

As many articles as we read about making ourselves a priority so that the loved ones in our lives reap the benefits, it's downright HARD to find an hour a day to work out, it's hard to schedule a monthly girl's night with a bunch of busy women, it's hard to take 10 minutes out of your morning to stretch, it's hard to not feel guilty booking a 3 hour boudoir photo shoot experience when you know you've got others to take care of. 

But I can promise you, it's worth it. ALL OF THOSE THINGS: worth it.  Do I struggle with doing them, too? HELL.YES. But when I do, my family notices. *I* notice. I'm more productive. I'm happier. I've got a pep in my step. 

So, as we women do, Ms. D. came to me super tired and yet MADE IT WORK. She had an amazing attitude and we captured some incredible images together. Needeless to say, she needed this experience, and LOVED her images. Needless to say, her new husband did too, and I was just happy I could treat Ms. D. to some “Me time” and be a small part of their anniversary celebration.

Ms. D. Said:

Stephanie was phenomenal! She made me feel so comfortable and confident! This is the best investment you can make for yourself! Do not think about it..... just do it! I would recommend her to everyone!!!!! I can’t thank you enough for such and amazing experience.

THANK YOU, Ms. D., for bringing your A-game to our shoot — until the next time!!

xoxo, Stephanie

Have a first anniversary coming up but not sure you have time for a photoshoot? Contact me and let’s make it work!

Fresh-Faced Beauty | Portraits for the Modern Woman | New York City Photographer


Here at Brooklyn Boudoir, I work with a talented team of hair and makeup magicians on hand for the clients who choose to use them. However, it’s my firm belief that you don’t NEED a “makeover”. 

You’ll see I never post “before & afters” because to me that’s not what your boudoir shoot is about. You aren’t a “Before.” You are you, and my goal is to capture you looking and FEELING your best — after all, feeling good and looking good are inextricably linked. I never want to capture anything that isn’t authentically YOU.


In a world that is constantly telling us to look younger and smoother and slimmer, my clients often tell me that in their “real” lives, they don’t wear too much makeup. I certainly don’t. Many feel like they should probably go a little more glamorous for their photo shoot...because it’s a photo shoot and that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? 

Not necessarily. Even the lightest of full faces of makeup can be intimidating to someone who doesn’t wear much on a regular basis...and I want you to look like YOU for your session. Not what you think you *should look like for this experience.


For some women, that may mean a full-blown glamour transformation, and that’s cool too.  But if you’re the type to not wear a whole lot more than concealer and mascara, I encourage you to ROCK that bare face for your session. Yes, we’ll still take out any blemishes and do some gentle “zzshushing” with retouching, but your natural face is YOU, and that’s who I love to photograph and that’s what I want you to love and appreciate.

Because I love it so much, I did a model call for past clients recently and them come into a studio to be photographed fresh faced and (gasp!) DRESSED! ;) I am absolutely over-the-moon obsessed with the results.

Can you have a makeover? Of course! Having your hair and makeup done is fun and pampering, which is partly what this is about. Get your hair did, have my amazing makeup artists perfect your skin and give you a little “I just woke up like this” glow. But you don’t NEED a full-on makeover to have a boudoir shoot. I will capture your personality and your beauty regardless of what you choose to put on your face or your bod (or not put on). 

So if you have an upcoming session with me and are thinking you might want to go au natural, YOU SHOULD. With the right lighting and the right photographer (eh hem), a natural face can photograph even more beautifully than a fully made-up face.

The point is, you can absolutely wear a full face of makeup if that’s your jam….just know that you don’t need to in order to look beautiful.

I plan on hosting a past-client event later this year celebrating fresh-faced beauty, so keep an ear open and sign up for my newsletter (on the side bar of this blog) to be the first to know about it.

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to be photographed looking good & feeling great? Let’s chat!

The Ease of a Brooklyn Boudoir Experience | Ms. J's Bridal Boudoir Session | NYC Photographer


Ahhhh the boudoir experience… a source of mad anxiety from the time of considering the session to showing up to the studio. It doesn't matter how much I preach about how EASY it's about to be for a woman, the idea of stripping down in front of a stranger's camera is stressful...and...well...terrifying. 

Ms. J came to me all the way from Australia! She was having whirlwind week in NYC in which she arrived, had an engagement photo shoot, had a boudoir shoot AND got married underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Whew! Her lovely fiancé set up the shoot as a gift to her — best husband to be ever (though admittedly there was *something in it for him as well).

Like so many women who come to me, Ms. J was so nervous at first. Not to mention the overwhelming week she had ahead of her… so my main goal, as always, was to make her feel entirely 100% comfortable and for this to be the easiest thing about her week in NYC.

Good thing making women feel comfortable in front of the camera happens to be my superpower. You can read it in my rave reviews, in other past blog posts and from other client testimonials, but let emphasize the ease of this experience for any of you who may be nervous about this here.

So, what's it like?? What *exactly* goes on during a session? 

First and foremost, by the time you walk through the doors, you've already received so much information from me that there really isn't anything left to wonder about. You know how long we'll be together, how many outfits we'll be photographing you in, how long hair and makeup takes, and that I'll be giving you guidance along the way. 

We go through your outfits together and I'll offer you a beverage while you're slipping into your robe. My makeup artist chats with you about how much fun you're about to have, and calms your nerves. 

When it's shoot time, I give you another run down of the process, how it's actually fun and silly and not at all a "sensual" experience. We'll be chatting along the way. I'll encourage you the whole time. I'll be mindful of your "insecurities" and play up your favorite features. I'll direct EVERY SINGLE POSE. Every limb. Your hair. Your face. All of it. All you need to do is copy me. 

Time will FLY. It ALWAYS done. If I don't make a very conscious effort to check on the time, I would shoot all day. It's fun for me, it's fun for you, and it's over before you know it. You'll already want to do it again (and probably will...they always do ;) )

About 10 minutes into the session, Ms. J, like most of my other clients, was able to relax and find her flow. We had captured some beautiful portraits of her, with NYC as the backdrop.

Ms. J agrees:

I was really nervous about the photo shoot but you made the day really relaxed, assisting with the posing made me feel much more confident!! I never thought I would do a boudoir shoot but it was totally different to what I expected and I love the finished images you created. I didn’t think I would ever be tempted to do another but after working with you I’m tempted (when we return to NYC one day ;))

2 weeks later I was able to meet her again, this time as a married woman, with her husband along for the reveal. They sat together through her photo reveal slideshow in stunned silence...when it was over, she breathed a deep breath of relief, and did a little clap.  The photos, of course, turned out incredible, and became such an amazing memory of her time in NYC.

ALL of my clients are nervous, some more than others...but they all have that self-doubt that all of my clients are models and naturally good in front of the camera and that they will be the very first person that I cannot photograph.  Yes, the women on my website look modelesque...but they are women just like you: nurses, accountants, lawyers… Very few of them are actually comfortable in front of a camera, and not many of them would describe themselves as photogenic and sexy. Yet every single one of them looks that way. 

Ladies, I’ve got you. You will laugh at how nervous you were and will most definitely want to do it again...knowing that if your photos turned out THIS good when you were terrified....they will be even better the second round when you know what to expect. 

Trust me. 

xoxo, Stephanie


Ready to bite the bullet? Let's chat!

A Changed Woman | Ms. W's NYC Shoot Experience | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer


Ahhh this photoshoot has a soft spot in my heart. At Brooklyn Boudoir, your photoshoot is customized to my client’s style, and THIS was one of my proudest moments as far as that customization is concerned. Ms. W flew in from across the country and we had been planning our shoot for quite some time. She had mentioned in our pre-shoot consultations that her dream shoot would resemble the Brittney Spears “Toxic” video… which I just happen to LOVE. We had a lot of ideas on how to make this happen together — we even looked into having one specially designed for her! It seemed like a long shot UNTIL I met the AMAZING Beth Claire, a fellow boudoir photographer / magician who specializes in fantasy shoots and has a closet full of incredibly beautiful custom pieces she’s made herself. I told Beth about the “Toxic” idea and it just so happened she had something that would work perfectly for our needs! Ms. W and I were elated — I couldn’t wait to photograph her in the amazing piece (and I may or may not have also taken some self-portraits in it because SEQUINS JUMPSUIT)!

Besides the amazing wardrobe, we shot in the most beautiful hotel suite with a 180 degree view of Manhattan — it was truly breathtaking!

Said Ms. W:

My session was tailored perfectly to me, from setting, to hair and makeup, to music--it was incredible. Stephanie is friendly, enthusiastic, encouraging and so fun to shoot with! I felt like I was hanging out with one of my BFF's the entire time! I can't imagine shooting with anyone else. I was pampered from the moment I arrived to the location. My makeup artist was incredible and so sweet. I feel like I gained two new friends after this shoot.

Of course, our shoot was a whole lot more than a Brittney Spears fantasy. Ms. W and I… well we are kindred spirits. Even though we live in different cities, even though she is an avid hiker, and that I barely own a pair of proper sneakers, we had an instant connection — it was like 2 long lost friends spending the afternoon together, and I was just so so happy she was able to come to NYC and have this incredible Brooklyn Boudoir Experience.

More of Ms. W’s words:

I have never been super body-positive, or really enjoyed much of my body -- apparently all I needed was a photo shoot with Brooklyn Boudoir. I have never felt so beautiful in my life. I have never felt so empowered in my life. My newfound confidence kicked in the second Steph started shooting and it's still going strong. This experience was absolutely life changing for me! One photo by Brooklyn Boudoir, and I am a changed woman. One. That's all it took. One photo by Brooklyn Boudoir, and I see myself with a completely new set of eyes...unlike I've ever seen myself before. Thank you so much; I will always hold this experience close to my heart. <3

^^^^ THIS!! This is what it is all about. Ms. W is a strong, intelligent, creative, spirited and BEAUTIFUL woman who completely deserves to see herself the way the world sees her. I felt so grateful that she found me and that she was able to make the trip to NYC and for the friendship we made. Love you, girl!

XOXO, Stephanie


Standing Straighter and Smiling More | A Client Review | The Brooklyn Boudoir Experience


I’ve written before about how I love the way my job lets me cross paths with women who for whatever reason - where they live, age differences, lifestyle differences… I wouldn’t otherwise get to meet. Ms. B is one such woman. She lives on the upper west side (about as far from Brooklyn as you can get while still being in the city) and she’s 10+ years younger than me. And get this: despite being in her 20s, SHE’S NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA OF ANY KIND. And I mean ANY kind! Amazing, isn’t it!! Needless to say, she is a unique women who is smart, thoughtful, and walks to the beat of her own drum. She and I sat for SO LONG at our reveal just talking about life, challenges, families… and after she gets married this winter we plan on double dating with our SOs. Funnily enough this isn’t that odd of an occurrence — I like to believe that I am my client and my client is me, regardless of the other details of their lives. They come to me specifically for a reason, and these women truly become part of my ever-growing tribe.


I’d love to write a witty blog explaining more about her and her experiences, but what she wrote to me after her photo reveal was so beautiful, it made me teary, so I’m just going to let her do the talking for now:

“Like an average woman heading into a boudoir photoshoot for the first time, I was a bit apprehensive and concerned by the whole concept—I’ve never had the best self-esteem, and I’ve always been self-conscious about my body for as long as I can remember. Stephanie allowed all of that to melt away immediately with her calming, reassuring presence, willingnes to literally show me pose by pose what she was looking for, and inherent ability to connect with me through the camera. She encouraged and coached exactly as much as she felt I needed while leaving me space to express my personality. 

The experience left me feeling confident in my own skin for the first time in a long time; I could literally feel myself standing straighter, smiling more, and just owning my own presence walking around the city afterwards. I said to both Stephanie and others that it didn’t even matter how the pictures turned out—even if I didn’t like them, or most of them flopped, the entire photoshoot was so good for me that I didn’t need the pictures themselves. 

Of course, once we went through the reveal, I was speechless. It is stupid how good these pictures are. Stephanie is a deeply talented artist, and her ability to capture the essence of a person in the frame is astounding. She found the exact right balance of abstract shots, genuine moments, and sexpot bombshell images that made me look every bit as confident and gorgeous as I had felt. I am so thankful for her gifts as a photographer and as a person that allowed this experience to be so much more than I could have hoped for.

No matter how loud the voice inside your head might be, telling you you’re too insecure to handle something like this, do it anyway. This was easily the most confidence-building, self-esteem boosting experience I’ve ever had. Stephanie has a borderline-magical ability to help you feel completely comfortable, beautiful, and sexy, even if (especially if) these are words you wouldn’t use to describe yourself. There isn’t anything else I’ve encountered that is quite like a boudoir photoshoot, and with Stephanie, it was as positive an experience as I could’ve ever hoped for.

Sincerely, this was perfect. Stephanie was prompt with all our interactions, gave a wealth of information about what to expect up front, and made the shoot feel comfortable, laid back, and calm. Every aspect, from the initial outreach to the shoot to the reveal, wildly exceeded my expectations.

You are a kind, true soul, and the sort of genuine, honest person that is increasingly hard to come by in NYC. I’m so grateful for this experience with you, and will very sincerely be in touch in the future for some more bonding and booze.”

^^^^^^^ THIS!! You can see why I teared up at it! THIS is what it is all about for me. A boudoir shoot is ALL about you doing YOU — taking time for yourself, being yourself, not dressing up in costume, but allowing your personality to shine though, while looking your best. I’ve said it before - when you FEEL good, you look good, and looking good often makes you feel good, so let’s keep that cycle up!


There is nothing better to me than showing a women how amazing they are, and giving the gift of walking a little bit taller. My hope for Ms. B — and all my clients — is that she carries those feelings with her every day from now on.

Ready to start the new year off right? Shoot me an email and let’s chat about YOUR boudoir experience!

xoxo, Stephanie

Best Year YET | 2018 Brooklyn Boudoir Review


2018 was a year for the books. It’s hard to believe how much I crammed into one year, and can’t believe it’s already new year’s eve! It truly was the Best Ever Year of Brooklyn Boudoir, and I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you who follows along regularly and trusts me with their boudoir experiences.

Here’s a short review of the year!


Some of my favorite images (that clients have given me permission to share) from this past year:




2018 took me traveling to Miami (twice!), New Orleans, Boston (twice!), Los Angeles (twice!), Boulder Colorado, Charleston, SC and an awesome visit to Collective Retreats on Governer’s Island, which felt like a world away even thought it’s right in the middle of NYC. So far for 2019 I’m working on dates for my next LA trip (sometimes mid-winter) and am planning a 40th birthday trip (!) to Paris!



I’ve never been much of a New Year’s Resolution girl. I pretty much try to be my best self ALL of the time and don’t care to beat myself up over a lapsed resolution. HOWEVER, I do have lots of ideas and plans for myself both personally and professionally and my goal is to achieve at least some of them this year.


In 2019 I plan to...

* HOST MY FIRST PAST CLIENT EVENT, SHOOTING FINE ART NUDES IN MY FANTASY STUDIO. Sorry, ladies, this is for past clients only. First timers really need the whole experience before diving into mini sessions. I plan to hold one or two of these each year and I’m really looking forward to this first one!! (it’s happening in just 6 days, and it’s going to be A M A Z I N G !)

*Be interviewed for a documentary about working mothers — we are such an important part of the population and the subject of motherhood in America needs much more attention! I’m not sure when the film will be released but I will keep you all posted via instagram and my newsletter (which you can sign up for on the sidebar to the right if you haven’t already —->)

*TRAVEL as much as I can. Traveling has always been such a big part of my life and something that always brings me great joy. I am so grateful to have traveled as much as I did before I had kids, but I still feel that itch to do more — there are still so many places I’d love to see! Luckily my little one is great on planes so I want to get more adventurous with our travels both for business and pleasure.

*Put myself out there a little bit more. Guys, I’m all about straight up instagram but the other social media platforms are just not my thing (I’m still waiting for someone to explain snapchat to me, sorry if that makes me sound like a grandma). I love making connections with my clients and realize I can start that process even earlier by getting on Instastories and showing my face a little more. I’m going to need some help with this one so feel free to keep me accountable!

*Offer mentorships. This is something I have wanted to do for some time now, and have had several requests for in the past. I just always prioritized my clients and my customer experience before everything else and didn’t feel I had the resources to take on a mentor. HOWEVER, when I was in Boulder, CO this last November for a boudoir photographer’s retreat, I met so many incredible artists all of whom were helping each other out. It was inspiring, and made me want to share the love as well. I plan on giving photographers a very thorough and customized experience when it comes to their business coaching, just as I do with my client shoots, so I will only offer a handful of mentorships a year. So if you are a fellow photographer looking to step up your game, give me a holla and let’s chat!

*EDUCATE THE $%&@! OUT OF MYSELF. I have always loved being a student — and a good one at that. I really love to learn and have studied with some of the best boudoir photographers out there, including Kara Marie, Christa Meola and Lola Melani. I plan to continue to study photography for as long as I'm shooting. I want to enhance my technical craft, and continue to push my creativity to keep my work fresh and improving it every year.  

*GIVE EVEN MORE TO MY CLIENTS. I'm always looking for new ways to make my clients feel extra special. From customizing a location just for them, to following up with them years down the road to congratulate them on new life events....client relationships are really important to me. That's not just something I saySo, in 2019 I'll be fine tuning the client experience even more to give them alllll the warm and fuzzies.  

*HAVE MORE DATE NIGHTS WITH THE HUBS. Being a working mom is hard, and in an effort to take better care of myself, my clients, my kid and my business, my husband tends to get the boot. Something’s got to give of course, but I miss the days when we would go on weekly dates. However busy life got, we always used to go out on Fridays and often did something unusual around the city. Weekly dates aren’t really feasible right now (the cost of a babysitter doubles the cost of the night!) BUT I have to believe that a monthly date will be good for both our relationship and my psyche.

FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, TRULY, GENUINELY, THANK YOU. Thank you for reading through this long and winding blog post, thank you for reading all/ANY of my blog posts. Thank you for every sweet comment, every word of encouragement, every Instagram "like". Thank you for trusting me with your boudoir experience. Thank you for being friendly and my friends. Thank you for all of your continued support of making my passion a career. I love you all and cannot wait for ANOTHER Best Year Ever in 2019.  I am so grateful for the abundance of business, blessings, and beauties that surrounded me in 2018. 

xoxo, Stephanie

Radiant Bridal Boudoir | New York City Boudoir Photographer


There are several factors that contribute to the tone that a woman's photo shoot: the location, the light,  and most importantly a woman's energy when she walks in to our shoot. In our planning together, I pay close attention to a woman's personality, to their style, and the purpose for their session. THEN, I let my creative juices flow in that direction for the duration of the day. 

When I met Miss "B" at her apartment in New Haven, she timidly showed me her outfits, but had a sparkle in her eye, and when she started talking about her finance and upcoming wedding she completely lit up.  Within just a few minutes of our shoot we were giggling like old friends. We had planned for a light, airy, bridal look as well as a saucier look, so I knew this would be a great photoshoot experience. 

Check out her gorgeous photos & her own words on our day together: 

Says Ms. B:

I truly can’t say enough positive feedback to describe how amazing the entire experience was. I have recommended a boudoir photoshoot, and most importantly Stephanie in particular, to all my close friends. Her attention to detail, and care taken each step of the way is unbeatable! I greatly appreciated how quickly she responded to emails and took the time to answer all my questions. Stephanie is so warm and friendly! I instantly felt so comfortable around her! I loved how she physically showed me poses and coached me through as I attempted to copy them. That built up my confidence and I knew that you would deliver only the most beautiful and complimentary photos! And that proved right!! I LOVED my photos!

My advise would be to get your makeup done and splurge on the beautiful outfit, it's worth it.   Then trust that you will look gorgeous in the photos!  Also, do some yoga beforehand! Hahaha I definitely have a new respect for holding poses while trying to look relaxed!

Thank you SO MUCH Miss "B"...and CONGRATULATIONS on your new marriage (which just happened last weekend!!!) I was DYING holding on to these photos until then! ;) 

xoxo, Stephanie


Tackling Your Insecurities Through Boudoir | Brooklyn Boudoir Photography

Last week, I guest blogged for the amazing Melissa, aka The Lace Appeal.  I am so impressed with this woman.  She is traveling the world finding the best brands of lingerie and sharing her wisdom with us.  Here is the piece I wrote, along with some photos from our shoot this past winter (who else wants a faux fur coat after seeing these photos?!) 


As a boudoir photographer, I spend my life making sure that women see all the amazing things about themselves. I preach a lot about self-esteem and self-love but even so, I too sometimes lose the fight against my insecurities. I think all women do to a certain extent. It is so easy for us to look at other women and see their perfect figure, gorgeous hair, clear skin, etc… and yet, we have a really difficult time paying ourselves the same compliments we extend to others. We worry what other people think about us, we worry if we’re attractive enough, we worry that we’ll fail, we worry that we’re not good enough... Why?

Women have been conditioned to constantly think we need improvement or need to look a certain way to be thought of as beautiful. We’re threatened by “the big 4-0” because we’re afraid of being "past our prime." “Mom jeans” subtly communicate we’re off the market sexually. We’re told it’s undesirable to be larger than a size 6. With so many of these messages being thrown at us, it’s no wonder women internalize unrealistic physical expectations and struggle with self-image.

What I love about boudoir photography is that it's about more than beautiful & sexy portraits. It’s about celebrating yourself, embracing your womanhood and allowing yourself to be proud of the person you are – no matter where you are in life or how many pounds plus/minus your “ideal" weight you're currently at. So, while it may sound counter-intuitive, a boudoir shoot can help you overcome your insecurities. Let’s take a deeper look at how:

Boudoir photography focuses on the positive


It’s so easy to focus on what we wish were different about ourselves, but what about showing off what we LOVE ?  It’s more difficult, isn’t it?  And also not something many women feel they have “permission” to do — we are taught it’s not polite to brag, after all.  But at your boudoir shoot — BRAG GIRL!  Tell me what you love about yourself and let’s capture it!  It can be your eyes, your laugh, the small of your back… anything!  Remember your positive qualities, because keeping those at the forefront of your mind is the key to heathy self-esteem. 

When we are on set, I have a very strict “no negative self-talk” policy.  Before we are in the studio, however, you can tell me if there’s anything you are self conscous about and I will be mindful not to feature it too prominently in your shots.  This doesn’t mean I won’t photograph it.  To the contrary, always try to capture at least one fantastic shot of that feature you’re not in love it… just so you can see how beautiful your so-called flaws really are.  

Boudoir photography embraces who you are


Every one of us has “flaws" - even models and celebrities.  A great way to boost your confidence is to embreace these flaws.  This can be really hard to do, but bear with me.   What makes you different is what makes you interesting.  Hell, it’s what makes you YOU.  Your smile lines are remnants of the happy times you’ve had.  Your stretch marks may represent a pregnancy.  Your scars tell the story of a challenge you overcame.  Why would we want to erase those things?  Embrace all the parts of you, freckles, lines, jiggly bits and all, and see the beauty in them. They are what make you who you are, and they are wonderful.   And anyway, perfection is not only impossible, it’s boring. Trust me on this one: imperfect works. 

Get zhushed up a little


The same way standing up straight or smiling can make you feel more proud and more positive, the way you appear in your mind affects your confidence.  This is why when you feel you look good, you tend to feel good.  That is what a boudoir session is really about: FEELING good. Taking care of yourself makes you feel better, leaving you with fewer low confidence days. Of course, it doesn’t mean becoming obsessed with appearance, but some me-time, a blow-dry, and your favorite pair of jeans goes a long way in improving your headspace.  It’s not about what others think… it’s about what you see in the mirror. 

Take a compliment


Instead of saying “thank you” when we get a compliment, women tend to shrug it off or disagree. If someone says “how did you get that flat stomach?” we’re more likely to respond with “it’s not flat, I have a jelly roll,” rather than saying thank you and moving on. It’s as if we’re embarrassed to be proud of ourselves.  When I am shooting a boudoir session, I can’t help but tell the woman in front of my lens how beautful they are.  A lot.  Maybe that’s tough for some popele to hear, but it’s completely sincere.  I truly believe that all women are beautiful, and I take real pride in bringing that beauty out.  So when I, or anyone else, pays you a compliment, I challenge you simply to say "thank you" and leave it at that. No follow up statements or caveats.  You’re welcome. ;)

See yourself through someone else’s eyes    


What would you tell a friend who was worried about some new wrinkles or a few extra pounds?  You would probably tell her that she’s beautiful in spite of that stuff!  We are always our own harshest critics.  When you start to feel down about yourself, try to think of how you’d talk to a friend, and try to extend that same kindness to yourself.  Give yourself assurance, give yourself compassion.  At photo reveals so many of my client say, “I can’t believe that’s me!”  Seeing yourself through my lens can help you take a step back from your insecurities and see yourself in a new light, as if you are looking through a friend’s eyes. 

Fight the fear


How exhilerating is it when you conquer something you’re afraid of — like a rollercoaster or jumping off the highest diving board?  You feel like you can take on anything!  THAT is the feeling a boudoir shoot gives you.  Getting photographed in your skivvies might sound like a classic Freudian nightmare but believe me when I say it is so much less scary than you think it will be.  Even my most nervous clients warm up within the first 5 minutes, and end up having a blast.  If you’re thinking of boudoir for yourself and you have some insecurities with your body, think of why you DO want to do a shoot for yourself, because ultimately the “Why I want it” should out-weigh the “What I’m scared of.”  Consider it an adventure!  If it both excites you and scares you at the same time, then I say jump in with both feet!

Choose your photographer wisely and then trust them


While I do believe every woman should have a boudoir session, this doesn’t mean they should run out and have a shoot with the first photographer they find. It’s important to find a photographer that sees you for you and who makes you feel comfortable, because as much as a good photographer can boost the self-esteem, a bad photographer can be damaging to it, so DO YOUR RESEARCH.  Do the women on their website look comfortable?  Can you talk to the photographer ahead of time?  Do they have the same philosophy on retouching as you?  These are all important things to think about when choosing your boudoir photgrapher. 

And once you select your photogaher, go ahead and trust them.  Remember we are professionals in this area for a reason.  We are experts in styling, lighting, and other things to make you look your best.  Don’t know how to pose? No problem!  It’s my job to show you!  It may feel awkward, but I promise you I’ll make you look great on camera.   

Every woman deserves to feel beautiful.  And here’s the secret: you ARE beautiful, with all your so-called flaws, just as you are.  You won’t find perfection or happiness by losing a few more pounds, because that’s not where you self-worth lies.  Real beauty is much deeper than that.  


Ready to tackle YOUR insecurities?  Contact me and let's get you in for a shoot!

xoxo, Stephanie

Cute to Sexy | New York Boudoir Photography


"I have always considered myself 'cute', but I never would have described myself as sexy." 

Ahhh yes. I've heard it a hundred times before...the ol' "I'm really not "sexy."

What most people don't realize is that "sexy" doesn't have much to do with appearance. It's about the way you carry yourself. It's about confidence. It's that feeling you get when you know you're amazing.

Ms. J came to me with a few different wardrobe options, one of which had been gifted to her by her hubs.  It was a a garter belt and thigh high set, and there was something almost "Kiss of the Spider Woman" about it (I am exposing my musical theatre geekdom now). She never wore it, and i could tell she felt not quite herself in it. Usually, if you don't feel comfortable in the wardrobe I would say don't wear it, but she looked SO.DAMN.GOOD in it I couldn't resist snapping a few shots.  We laughed about it, and said that if she didn't love the images in the end, she didn't have to keep them.  But guess what?  The images were AMAZING and were some of her favorites!

That's the thing about stepping out of your comfort zone -- you never know where it will take you!  And would could be more exciting that that?  With me directing your poses, facial expressions, and encouraging you the entire time, you are guaranteed to feel SEXY through the whole process. Especially seeing your photos. 

“To me, sexy is the confident energy a person produces. Sexy is the comfortable feeling of being who you are. Sexy is not just having beautiful lips, legs, and arms. It is beyond that. Sexy is soul.”

— Karina Smirnoff

It was an absolute pleasure to show Miss J just how sexy she is.

I'm so grateful for clients like Miss J that can come into the studio, trust me to do what I do best, and who finally get to see the SEXY in there. Because the more you experience, the more you can carry that confidence, that SEXY with you every single day. 

xoxo, Stephanie

Ready to take it from Cute to Sexy?  Do it for YOU & drop me a line! 

Ms. C's growing bump | Brooklyn Maternity Boudoir Photographer

Ms. C's growing bump | Brooklyn Maternity Boudoir Photographer

Ms. C came to me to capture her beauty and growing bump in both her second and third trimesters.  Check out our maternity boudoir session just a few weeks before her baby boy was born. 

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She Didn't Consider Herself Sexy | The Anonymous Ms. A | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer

She Didn't Consider Herself Sexy | The Anonymous Ms. A | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer

Ms. A considered herself more goofy than sexy... but based on these photos I respectfully disagree...

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Size Sexy | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer

Size Sexy | Brooklyn Boudoir Photographer

I am size *sexy* ... the absolutely lovely Miss J shows off her curves at Shio Studio in Brooklyn.  

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The Glowing Ms. C | NYC Maternity Boudoir

The Glowing Ms. C | NYC Maternity Boudoir

Ms. C's second trimester maternity shoot... 

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